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About Us


A few words about who we actually are, where we are coming from and what our main objective is.



We are Sisterriot. A group of women who met, built up friendships and now consider each other as sisters. We’ve all met in Budapest. Back then we did not know that we are going to have this female collective, but today we are really happy to have and experience this beautiful solidarity.

We have started this journey by gathering through sister circles. The open and safe space which gave us the opportunity to share and reflect our feelings and ideas. It allowed us to take root in the sisterhood as a unity instead of just many individual relationships within the group. We built up a strong foundation and at the same time kept the circle open and included more and more women. Now, looking backwards, we realize that this way we encountered first hand the notion of a semi-public space. We were meeting in our private facilities, nevertheless making the meetings political by creating this unique solidarity between a group of women from so many different backgrounds. Something was born which can not be considered as just a group of friends anymore.


We have grown like a rolling snowball by sticking together, becoming bigger and gaining more power even in the face of challenges. Our solidarity grew more stronger and our motivation increased to use our momentum to create something, that is bigger than just the sum of its single pieces, us. At this point we realized that our mission is to  create a more inclusive female collective which expands and carries female solidarity within and over the frontiers. And this is how we became SisteRRiot.




SisteRRiot aims to create a collaborative network for artists, activists and visionaries in Budapest. We want to connect, support, give visibility and celebrate creativity.


Or simply discover and learn through sharing experiences.

We want to shed light on the work of great local and expat creatives and professionals in Hungary. We want to showcase, connect, and activate! We want to organise, discuss and debate about being an artist and activist nowadays within our society.


We want to discuss every kind of topic by breaking the taboos, with trust, a hint of humour and a little provocation in a safe space and with respect. We stand for the sisterhood - of the past, the present and the future. We invite all genders who want to be part of sisteRRiot.


We want SisteRRiot to be an inclusive and diverse platform, so if you have an idea, space, a thought, a budget, a dream, materials do not hesitate to contact us. Let’s come together and create some magic!

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